
August 22, 2021

Volume 1 & 2 of the What if the Beatles never broke up?

Everyday Chemistry

So, a friend asked if I'd ever heard Everyday Chemistry.  I hadn't and dived into the story and read the article posted about it in Consequence of Sound,  Basically it's a mashup that the "creator" claims is a released Beatles album from another dimension; a dimension where the Beatles never broke up.  It's worth a listen.

But it is not what I am doing. It's a mash-up of an album worth of songs that are mixed together. You'll recognize some of the bits but they aren't really songs in my opinion and certainly wouldn't claim much space on the chart in any dimension while the volumes as I'm constructing them certainly had many songs that historically did just that.

What if the Beatles never broke up?

The last studio release from the Beatles is the entirely under appreciated Let It Be, which was released in May of 1970.

Prior to that John Lennon had 3 different releases: Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins, Unfinished Music No. 2: Life With The Lions, and the Wedding Album; while Paul McCartney released McCartney, Ringo Starr released Sentimental Journey., and George Harrison had 2 different releases: Wonderwall Music and Electronic Sound. None of these are included in this project because they were released before the release of the Let It Be, though Paul's release may have contrtibuted to the band's eventual demise--at least the fans thought that.

In this thought experiment, however, we're going to argue that they didn't break up and instead went on to release the records as they did (just under the Beatles moniker and pretty much working like they did on The Beatles (aka as The White Album)). So the above releases would've still happened and be solo releases while using my totally arbitrary rules the next 31 releases would be consolidated into 9 releases.

Right out of the gates we have Ringo Starr's Beaucoups of Blues followed by what many consider to be the best solo release off all the Beatles, George Harrison's All Things Must Pass, which being a triple album, I'm splitting across Volumes 1 and Volumes 2.

Volume 1-40 Minutes

Albums 1970
  • All Things Must Pass.
  • Ram.
  • Plastic Ono Band.
  • Beaucoups of Blues
Songs (in order):
  1. What is life (GH)
  2. Too many people (PM)
  3. Hold on (JL)
  4. Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey (PM)
  5. Isolation (JL)
  6. If not for you (GH)
  7. Eat at home (PM)
  8. Night and Day. (RS)
  9. Working Class Hero (JL)
  10. Woman of the Night (RS)
  11. Another Day. (PM)
  12. Love (JL)

Volume 2-43 Minutes
Albums (1970-1971):
  • Imagine
  • Wild Life
  • All Things Must Pass
  • It Don't Come Easy (Single)
  1. Imagine (JL)
  2. Some People Never Know (PM)
  3. Jealous Guy (JL)
  4. Gimme Some Truth (JL)
  5. Crippled inside (JL)
  6. It Don't Come Easy (RS)
  7. My Sweet Lord (GH)
  8. How do you sleep? (JL)
  9. Dear Friend (PM)
  10. All things must pass (GH)

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