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Volumes 5 & 6 of What if the Beatles never broke up?

Band on the Run was an extremely successful Wings release from Paul McCartney and easily eclipsed Lennon's Mind Games (still a gold record).  Released in December of 1973, Band on the Run took some 4 months before it would take its place as the the number one album and then trade that spot for the next 2 months with John Denver, Chicago, the soundtrack to The Sting, and Gordon Lightfoot before descending from the lofty perch for good that year.  Though when the year end charts were compiled, it popped up as the best selling album of the year.  

Sandwiched between Band on the Run and 1975's Venus and Mars, John Lennon  and George Harrison released Walls and Bridges and Dark Horse respectively.   Both are really good releases and result in Volume 5 not including anything from Paul McCartney (Band On The Run, was released late in '73, so it pretty much belongs on '74 chronologically), or Ringo Starr.

Volume 5-41 Minutes


  • Walls and Bridges
  • Dark Horse

  1. So Sad (GH)
  2. Steel and Glass (JL)
  3. Ding Dong, Ding Dong
  4. What Ever Gets You Thru The Night (JL)
  5. #9 Dream (JL)
  6. Far East Man (GH)
  7. Bless You (JL)
  8. Nobody Loves You ((When You're Down And Out) (JL)
  9. Dark Horse (GH)

While 1974 only featured releases from John Lennon and George Harrison, 1975 ushered in releases from all four of them again.  John went back to his roots with some stripped down covers of pop hits from the 50's and 60's; Paul vaulted to the top of the charts again with Venus and Mars, though it didn't do as well as Band on the Run it has some familiar hits; George Harrison had an okay release with  Extra Texture (Read All About It), which featured the surprising "This Guitar (Can't Keep From Crying); and Ringo collaborated with John Lennon on two songs on his Goodnight Vienna release.

Volume 6-47 Minutes


  • Rock 'n' Roll
  • Venus And Mars
  • Extra Texture (Read All About It)
  • Goodnight Vienna

  1. Junior's Farm (PM)
  2. You Can't Catch Me (JL)
  3. Venus and Mars (PM)
  4. Rock Show (PM)
  5. You (GH)
  6. Stand By Me (JL)
  7. Goodnight Vienna (RS)
  8. This Guitar (Can't Keep From Crying) (GH)
  9. Letting Go (PM)
  10. Only You (And You Alone) (RS)
  11. Listen To What The Man Said (PM)
  12. The Answer At The End (GH).


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