After driving until midnight, we pull into Rosemerry's house. Rosemerry's house is stunning, on the San Miguel river down the valley from Telluride. After missing the turnoff to bypass the road closure, we hit the construction and have to turnaround and find the Ilium road to get past it.
We do and I sleep rather poorly and wake up before the alarm at 6:30 AM. Oh, yes, my mother's genes. Why must my brain click on before my body is ready?
I hit Telluride Middle School and must admit connect with this group. They're a good group in a good public school and respond to everything and take part in laughing at my poems, creating tongue twisters, and delivering them as if they were at an Open Mike.
Am actually hosting Telluride's first ever slam tomorrow at the Library, so I drift over there and check in. The library is actually paying me to host a slam and putting me up at the Ice House Lodge. Pictured below.
It's at times like this when I'm away from the petty politics of ABQ poetry, in a beautiful city, beautiful house, surrounded by supportive and kind people that I am thankful that I started pursuing poetry. It's also nice to be seeing posters about the slam with "and Nat'l Slam Champion, Don McIver."
Will let you know how tomorrow goes.
