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Showing posts from February, 2011

Specimen #1

Dear William, I'm writing to tell you about your father's command performance and your brother, or at least my half of your brother. Your brother was caught unaware by the fluorescent lights, small couch, and the "Today Show" on the television in the waiting area, but we rose to the occasion anyway. I took the instrument in my hand and with very little effort, doffed the layers for fighting back the cold because the venue was warm and I no longer needed restriction. I wanted my hands and arms free, to be clearly comfortable in what many would call a sterile environment. Your brother never even saw it coming, but he burst forth like some sort of sputtering geyser and looked at his home, a 4 ounce specimen jar with my name written on the side. He was quickly moved from the warm end of the instrument and rough fingers to this jar and then was sealed inside. His new home was much larger than what was really needed: ...


Moon Don McIver 1801 Gold Ave. SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Moon As a young man, I was fond of dropping trou... finding some out of the way place: the roof of a school cafeteria, the top of empty bleachers, a rock overlooking a cityscape and announcing, "Hey look's a full moon over Cheyenne, Boulder, Lakewood, Golden, out of the way remote locations, usually after a night of suburban drinking, or smoking, or both. Don't know what I was trying to achieve or hoping to prove, but after a while it became a running joke and then the places weren't even remote or private: full moon against my best friend's bedroom window, the dining room at our local favorite fast food joint, the Xerox machine at my first office job. I'm still not shy, but, older now, find reasons for keeping my pants firmly in place: hiding behind words like appropriate , maturity , "not really fee...